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In Factory. Material Landscape (Zucchetti, Kos, Lea Ceramiche)

In Factory. Material Landscape, an exhibition conceived by Diego Grandi for Zucchetti. Kos and Lea Ceramiche.

A spectacular installation generates a close dialogue between the world of wellness and the bathroom of Zucchetti.Kos - including new projects by Diego Grandi, Sybille De Margerie, and Ludovica+Roberto Palomba for the tapware collections - and the world of laminated porcelain stoneware surfaces of Lea Ceramiche.

The display (through products and narratives) shows the most significant milestones in the history of these two companies.

design, Milan Fuorisalone 2017

An integral part of the installation is the space "Food In Factory" by Cibario, an oasis of refreshment for wayfarers of design. In a setting similar to a corporate dining hall, daily menus are offered for purchase, connected to the territorial background of the two companies.

In Factory c/o Blindarte

Via Palermo, 11

4-8 april 11am – 9 pm

9 april 11am – 5 pm

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